Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Written By:x.Deni.x
You can read the original here:
All credit goes to the original author


He let’s the heat take over, and strays away from the reservation, in search of her.

He needs her, he wants her, and he thinks she has finally figured out it’s what she wants too.

No, he didn’t want a camaraderie, he wanted love. He wanted a relationship. He wanted her.

The trees went swiftly past him, branches leering out as if to stop him, but he kept on running, running for her.

He changes back to normal form in midair as he runs for her house.

The moon was high in the sky.

He crept up the tree stealthily, before jumping into her open window.

Luckily, the bloodsucker isn’t there.

She blearily sits up, and seems to recognise him.

“Jake?” She mumbles.

He nods, the shadow of his frame matching him perfectly, and his silhouette brought out his huge form.

He walks over to her bed, and she reaches for him desperately.

“Bella,” He breathes, before gently capturing her soft, warm lips.

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