Monday, January 12, 2009

Crystal Kiss

This Fanfic is by clearwatercullener
You can read the original fanfic here: All credit goes to the original author obviously

Crystal Kiss

The setting sun stained the sky, a burnt amber color that reminded me of Edward’s eyes. It was getting late, where was he? The cold autumn wind whistled through my hair and made me shiver, it was strange because even though I was impervious to weather conditions, it was still automatic for me to shiver. Nothing seemed the same anymore, now that I was a vampire; everything was different. My whole life had been turned upside down in the matter of a few months. I was glad that things had finally started to settle down again. After the whole scandal with Renesmee I needed some time to just sit and think about things. Something caught me off guard and I felt my pupils dilate and my stony heart began to pound in my chest as I felt an arm snake around my shoulders rapid as lightning, smooth as silk. I looked up rapidly and saw Edward gazing back at me, a loving glow in his eyes.

“How are you love?” his velvet voice inquired. Every time I heard his voice I still felt like the same teenager I was when I first fell for him, but even though I was older now, I fell head over heels every time I heard his velvet voice. That was one thing that I hoped would never change because if it did then my whole life would be for naught.

“Edward, why are you home so late?” I felt an unwanted accusatory tone creep into my voice and I did my best to silence it. He tweaked my nose and cuddled me closer.

“Bella, I told you I was going to visit Rosalie and Emmett.” Rosalie’s feelings for me had declined even more after the recent incident with my daughter. Emmett took her away for a while to see if he could talk some sense into her because when she was angry, Rosalie was not a vampire to be around.

“Right, sorry I forgot.” I hadn’t forgotten, but an unexplainable sense of jealousy overwhelmed me that Rosalie of all people was seeing him when I wasn’t able to.

“How’s Nessie?”

“She’s fine, she missed you.” Renesmee was developing twice as rapidly as any normal human toddler, but there were still questions about how long her life span would be due to her mixed lineage. She looked a lot like Edward, she had the same Bronze hair and a more feminine version of his face, she did however, have my eyes.

“And how is that wolf who keeps hanging around? Isn’t there any way we can get him to release Nessie from being imprinted with him?” I could feel Edward’s hand clench on my shoulder I rolled my eyes. He was constantly griping about this issue.

“Edward, we’ve discussed this before, I know you don’t like it, but there really isn’t anything we can do about it.”

“ I don’t want my precious daughter marrying something like him!” the tone of his voice was less hushed now.

“Edward, she’s four, you have quite a while before you really have to worry about anything. Trust me, mortal fathers go through this every day of their daughter’s teenage years. Just think about how Charlie felt when he found out we were getting married so young.”

“Your father didn’t have to think about it until you were seventeen!”

“Please just calm down, the sooner you accept it, the better it is for all of us.”

“I know you’re right , but Bella… oh forget I said anything.” Edward was much more human than he let others think he was. It was interesting to see his fatherly instincts kick in. I just shuddered to think of the day that Renesmee was actually interested in boys.

We sat there in silence for a while; neither of us really knew what to say. I was even the tiniest bit happy that Jacob had imprinted upon Renesmee.

I was much accepting of things than Edward was. I could tell that he was mulling the whole conversation over in his mind, analyzing every last word and intonation. It truly pained him that he couldn’t read my thoughts, I knew that it was the very bane of his existence that of all people, I had a right to privacy.

“You know, you didn’t have to yell at me.” I finally broke the deafening silence by voicing my feelings that were hurt when he acted so condescending. He always enjoyed acting like he knew so much more than I did. I’ll admit that he was great deal older than me, but he usually let his temper get in the way of logic.

“I’m sorry Bella, I didn’t mean to get carried away with myself.”

“You know I don’t like it any better than you do, but will you please try not to make it such a big deal for Nessie’s sake if no one else.”

“I suppose I’ll have to compensate for being such a jerk.” His delicate fingers brushed my cheek as he pulled me in for a single crystal kiss.

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