You can read the Original Here:
All Credit goes to the Original Author
Kaila and I were visiting Washington to see what it looked like at different places mentioned in Twilight. We were eating lunch when Kaila suddenly screamed, “ Rawr ! Give me my sundae! No! I said cake! Grah!”
I asked if she wanted strawberry cake, and she stole the cake yelling, “Mine! My precious! What about… chocolate pudding?!”
I told her she could have the pudding. “Just let me keep the sugar free jello. It only has ten calories.” I took my jello and ran away laughing like a mad woman.
She chased after me shouting, “Screw the pudding, jello jiggles!”
“Not my jello!” I ran away to find the Cullen’s house. “Jasper will keep you from stealing my jello!”
We soon got to the yard, seriously confusing the homes inhabitants. Paying no attention to the bewildered vampires that came out to see what was going on, she said, “What’s he going to do? Calm me down?” Jasper gave Kaila a death glare as she continued. “Go Edward! Use bite attack!”
The look on Edward’s face was incredulous. “Does she seriously think I’m a pokemon?”
“He’ll get rid of the mood swing that’s causing you to want to steal my food. Emmet, stop her!” I hid behind Alice, who looked at me like I was crazy.
Kaila continued her screaming. “Edward will just beat the crap out of Emmet.” Emmet laughed at that. “Bella, stall Alice!” The aforementioned vampires just looked at each other in confusion.
“Rosalie, -who I hate by the way- do something with Jasper. I want that jello!” Rosalie was so enraged that Emmet had to hold Rosalie back to keep her from tearing Kaila’s head off.
I panicked. “Carlisle, Esme, Renesme, anyone help me please!” I ran to find the werewolves.
Kaila saw where I was running and yelled, “Jacob is mine! Jacob! Esme and Carlisle are too busy watching Renesme. Jacob is mine and so is that jello!”
“Edward and Bella are watching Renesme,” at this point we still hadn’t realized that Renesme was inside by herself watching TV, “So Carlisle and Esme are on my side. You can keep Jacob, I get all the other werewolves.” I laughed evilly.
“I have the whole vampire family!” She hit Rosalie, who was still being held back by Emmet, with a pan saying, “No, you can’t eat me. I have Bella’s dad, and Jacobs dad,”- neither of them were there-, “And Jacob is the leader of the pack so they are mine. Now charge!” She jumped on Jacob’s back expecting him to go, but at this point he was howling with laughter.
“Hey, I get Sam and his pack, and I already told you I get Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Alice, and Emmet. Uh-oh, where’s my jello? Jacob Black, you ate my Jello!”
I glared at him while he started laughing again. I hit him with a frying pan but he only laughed harder. Kaila started laughing too. “Good job Jacob. Wait… my jello!”
I started chasing her screaming, “Give me that pudding”
After we were gone Rosalie calmed down enough to be let go of, thanks to Jasper. They were all quiet for a moment before Edward asked, “Should we be concerned that they know what we are?”
Emmet was the one who answered “I doubt it. Do you really think anyone would believe a couple lunatics like them?”
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