Sunday, March 1, 2009

Butterflies of Night

Written By:Akumakami-Jada
You can read the original here:
All credit goes to the original author

Color adorns her pale skin

A dusty rose tint upon her face

As she tosses and turns, ever restless

Yet not a lock of hair falls out of place

Gradually her movements are ceasing

As she finally settles in

Her face and body are relaxing

And that’s when his battle begins

He watches as her breathing deepens

While he debates between wrong and right

The decision tears at him on the inside

Wearing away like a butterfly of night

She seems so serene, so peaceful

As she’s ferried away to her dreams

A world that’s not cruel or painful

Where there are no crimson blood pools or streams

Can he really take that away?

Why is it so difficult a fight?

She’s fragile yet so very tempting

An alluring butterfly of night

He knows what choice he should make

But he’s not ready to be the good guy

A selfish creature by nature

Can he leave her even if he does try?

Alas, time’s running out now

For he must depart at first light

But he stays, despite the danger

A foolish butterfly of night

While he’s there, he realizes one thing

He can deny his love for her no longer

A fact that is certainly most troubling

He always thought he was stronger

He wants her more than anything

But wishes not to drag her into his twilight

A mere human, her death is inevitable

A fleeting butterfly of night

A single word falls from her lips

And with that single word, his will shatters

His name whispered through the cloak of darkness

Leaving it torn up and in tatters

At first he thought she awakened

His presence would be an ill-received sight

His relief that he’s wrong is unwarranted

What has he to fear from a fragile butterfly of night?

Now his choice has been made for him

Thought it will bring all kinds of pain

But he knows if he tries to leave her

His will would still wax and wane

His path will not change nor waver

It’s wrong; of this he is sure

But he stands firm and resolute

To protect and love that which is pure

He’ll stay by her side as long as she wants him

Though he’s crossed the fine line between black and white

He’ll be with her, for eternity and forever

His Bella, his butterfly of night

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