Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Accident Prone

Written By:CateT
You can read the original here:
All Credit goes to the original Author:

Accident Prone

I woke up feeling ominous – the merciless sun was shining brightly through my blinds and Edward had already left for his ‘camping trip’.

“Urgh!” this was not fair – mornings were bad enough as it is for merely existing, but mornings without Edward? What was the point of even getting up – it’d just be a stupid Edward-less day. God must hate me – why else would He make it sunny in the middle of winter in Forks of all places unless He intentionally wanted to take my Angel away and expose me to a day of Purgatory. I thought back to our (mine and Edward’s) conversation last night. Darn my pigheadedness.

It’s only one day, Edward. Even with my...disability... nothing too deadly could happen while I’m at school.” His beautiful face showed concern- concern that I secretly shared. I continued, hoping that he couldn’t hear the uncertainty in my voice. “Besides, Alice would have said if she’d seen something the moment you knew that it would be sunny. ‘Built in radar’, right?” I tapped his head, joking about something he’d said to me the first time I’d experienced the horror-show that he called driving.

Hmm.” He didn’t sound too convinced. “That may be true for anyone else, love, but with you I’ve come to expect the worst. Your ability to attract danger never ceases to worry me.” I silently agreed with him – even a flat surface could cause me unspeakable damage due to my treacherous feet. Not that I was going to let him know that.

You’re just over-thinking it, Edward. I’ll be fine.” I smiled encouragingly.

I hope you’re right.” His face lit up in response to my smile – my favourite lopsided grin adorning his face. Before he could react I leaned over and pressed my lips to his. After his initial shock, I felt his arms creep around me and hold me to him, our lips moving in synch, until I got a bit...carried away...and he gently separated our bodies. I pouted as he tucked me in (what am I, five years old?) but he just laughed and placed a tender kiss on my forehead, his cold lips brushing gently against my skin. “Goodnight, love.”

The sun was now shining onto my bed, making it too warm for any continued habitation. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and pulled on a shirt and jeans and dragged a brush through my hair. At least Alice wouldn’t be there to comment on my appearance – although if that meant no Edward than I couldn’t really see it as a silver lining.

Glancing at the clock I noticed that I was running a few minutes late. If I wanted to get to school before the bell I’d have to leave pretty now-ish. Oops. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen table and rushed out to my truck before driving off as fast as I dared (still keeping below the speed limit might I point out)and headed towards Forks high.


The morning passed pretty uneventfully – I only had a few minor collisions and trips in the corridors in between lessons (much to Edward’s Fangirls’ amusement) and escaped from my encounters with the floor pretty much unscathed. It seemed that Edward’s concerns had been nothing. That was, however, until lunch break.

I was just on my way to the cafeteria, to obtain much needed sustenance, when I bumped into Eric in the corridor (never take the word ‘bump’ from me as ever anything other than literal). I started apologising quickly when I noticed that he had dropped something on the ground – a big, heavy piece of set from the drama club’s room. Way to go, Bella. Eric explained that the drama teacher had asked him to move the set piece to the performance hall, but had been struggling to move it when I’d collided with him. Seriously, how could I miss such a big obstacle? Feeling guilty, I offered to help.

With much struggle, as Eric was actually still taking most of the weight, we finally managed to get the piece to its new home. We were just placing it in the right position so that it would stay put when Eric let go a bit too soon. As the large object leaned towards me I shoved against it with my left knee. The prop went into place, but sadly my knee-cap decided to do the opposite. With a loud crack (and a yelp from me) it slid to the side, causing me to collapse into a heap on the floor. Luckily the impact popped my knee-cap back into place, but that didn’t stop the pain. Owowowowowowow. Eric just stared at me in shock. I looked up at him pleadingly.

“Owowowowowowow?” This seemed to snap him out of his shock (pheh- his shock!) and he ran off to get the school nurse, leaving me sitting on the floor and shaking slightly.

A short while later I looked up to find the school nurse standing over me.

“Bella?” Her voice was full of concern, as was her face – I think Eric may have exaggerated events a little. Once she had observed that there was no blood, she started examining my knee while I explained what had happened – breaking my sentences with yelps of pain as she prodded the tender area. After a while she stood up, shaking her head. “Well, dear, it doesn’t seem like anything’s broken. I think you just dislocated your kneecap that’s all. As it’s not swollen we’ll just give you some pain killers and support it then see how it goes shall we? You should probably keep your weight off it so I’ll call Chief Swan to come and take you home. If it still hurts bad tomorrow or swells up you should probably get an X-ray, ok?” She and Eric then helped me up and acted as human crutches as they led me to the Infirmary where I was sat on a chair and told not to move while the nurse called Charlie and then made me a cup of hot chocolate.

Sadly, my reclined position did not agree with trying to sip from a Styrofoam cup, and boiling hot liquid spilled over my hand. The nurse helped me hobble towards the sink and ran my hand under cold water.

“Oh dear, it’s just not your day is it?” It really wasn’t. First no Edward, then the knee: and now this. Someone really must hate me. To top it off the scald on my hand was burning like heck. Worst. Day. Ever.

Charlie eventually came and picked me up, saying that he’d get one of the other cops to get my truck for me. We drove home in silence (I wasn’t exactly in the best of moods) and before leaving he helped me onto the couch in the living room, where it seemed like I would have to stay for the foreseeable future until someone came and moved me. I watched daytime T.V. for a while, trying to ignore the throbbing pain from both my hand and knee. After an hour I was just about ready to break something when I felt cool fingers envelop my burning hand.

“Alice told me that you’d had an accident.” His eyes were full of worry as he took in my predicament. As I explained what had happened and what the nurse had said, his face grew even more concerned, and he gently wrapped his arms around me in a comforting embrace. We sat there for the remainder of the afternoon, watching some old black-and-white romance, one of his arms wrapped around my waist as I leant against him, and the other cool hand gently stroking my injured knee and relaxing my tensed muscles. Every now and then he would place a kiss on the top on my head and whisper that he loved me in my ear. Suddenly the worst day of my life turned into one of the best.

If being a chronic klutz meant that I got looked after like this, perhaps getting injured wasn’t so bad after all.

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